Wednesday 16 May 2012

Play Ball!

I feel I would have absolutely no claim to the title of this blog if I didn't actually support our baseball team--The Dash. And so last night, this was rectified. Brian and I met with Sarah (Brian's mentor) at the ballpark to enjoy fellowship over simulated cheese, loud music, and baseball. Our team was playing the Myrtle Beach Pelicans.
Because Monday night's game had been rained out, last night's was a doubleheader. The evening was off to a good start:
Look, if you don't bring knitting to sporting events, you're really missing out. As Sarah explained, it is the perfect pairing of mindless activities. And my yarn stash isn't going to knit itself you know.
Sarah decked us out in Dash attire:
She caught that Dash t-shirt for me from the t-shirt cannon, and bought us our very own dash hats. I'm quite fond of our Dash hats.
Now at some point I became worried that Brian was overexerting himself by sitting in his chair, and I really didn't want him to faint for want of nourishment, so we remedied that with this nice wholesome snack:
I always say that if your cheese isn't of a runny, fluorescent composition, it's not fit for consumption.
I did my part by devouring an entire bag of cotton candy on my own:
The Dash lost the first game 6 to 3, but won the second game 4 to 0. The best part was that Krispy Kreme (born and glazed in Winston Salem since 1937) announced that if The Dash made 9 or more hits in last night's game, and if you mentioned this when ordering donuts, you could buy a dozen donuts for $4. I patiently waited for that 9th hit, which occurred around 10:30, then was content to call it a night. I have yet to follow up on my Krispy Kreme errand, but will keep you posted if I'm brave enough to buy a whole dozen of them (I feel it would be insulting to Jane if I did not).
All in all it was a great night, and I concur with my husband's analysis that minor league baseball is more fun to watch than major league. It was also great practice for when Brian's parents join us in just a few days...we'll be dashing it up again with them too!

1 comment:

  1. The cotton candy picture is borderline adorable. Go Dash!
